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While heading out the door to enjoy the farmers market with my family, I had a sudden urge to grab the camera. Thinking it was one of the last times I might get to enjoy the fresh produce and warmth before heading to college, I wanted to do something to capture the moment. At the market, I received some concerned looks, but I received many more welcoming smiles and "can you send me that?" questions. It was challenging to bring out the brightness of the event under the parking garage, but I worked on finding where the light hit best and adjusting my camera settings. I loved the experience so much and found so much joy in taking pictures, that I grabbed a few quotes and wrote a brief for WSS. My growing photography skills and journalism allow me to connect and engage with my community at a deeper level. 

Although I have lived in Iowa City my whole life, I was surprises to learn about the Latino Fest for the first time last year. As soon as I stepped in the Ped Mall, there was a plethora of color, emotion, and activities on display. I spent time walking to every vendor and asking about products, dancing on the stage, and even had a conversation with the organizer of the event. My parents are immigrants, so seeing a minority community celebrate their identity meant the world to me and I hoped to capture what it meant to the Latino community with my camera. 

Our journalism program takes senior pictures for students at our school who want to opt our of the standard school picture. This was my first time taking portrait shots, but with the best models and the hurdle of finding aesthetic places at West High, I learned a lot and had a great time doing them. 

Sports are some of my favorite things to cover. The sheer quantity of emotions that athletes can experience in just 60 minutes is amazing to see, and the amount of people that rally together behind our school is heartwarming. Volleyball is a fast-paced sport that can be hard to capture. In the gym, I work on lowering the amount of yellow hues that reflects off of the floor and finding unique angles to best capture the moment. 

Soccer was one of the first sports that I used to build my sports photography skills. Soccer games are usually happening when the sun is setting, so I was challenged to change camera settings quickly, move around the field to change my angle, and learn more about the game to write about the results in post-game briefs. 

As I got more comfortable with taking action shots, I wanted to improve my ability to take interesting shots of athletes. This means predicting where the ball is going, not always taking pictures of the person with the ball, and getting creative with focus of each picture. 

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